Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Canada and Cinekink!

Well, Canada just got a nice helping of Auteur - played to a packed house on Sunday at the Victoria Film Festival. Really fun crowd, James and I definitely enjoyed the screening.

The iTunes release has created some press interest - the film was included in a piece about indie filmmaking in a tough economy. Read it here, though there aren't any secrets to success shared as far as I can tell. On the note of the economy, help your wallet by staying in this Friday and catching The Auteur on Amazon VOD in a beautiful HD stream.

Indiewire also interviewed James again, sort of a followup to a year later and after Tribeca. Don't miss if you are looking for secrets on James!

Lastly, we're happy to be taking the film to CineKink in NY this month. Should be the most extreme experience since Amber sat on The Hedgehog's lap... Check out our b-side and leave a little love.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some buzzzzz

The Auteur has been on iTunes and Amazon a day now, and it's going like hotcakes! Pretty exciting to be available worldwide.

Our friends over at Crush records have a podcast of Westby's guest appearance on 94.7fm yesterday for your listening pleasure, and also check out Cinematical's write up on the release here.

And for our friends to the north, don't miss the screenings at Victoria Film Festival - coming up this week!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

THE AUTEUR is now available on iTunes and Amazon!!

Big news today; our little porn comedy is now available for download at both iTunes and Amazon VOD!

THE AUTEUR was a huge hit at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival, and has subsequently played at festivals all over the world, including Athens International, Raindance in London, Outfest, Chicago Underground, and Ft. Lauderdale.

We are thrilled to be launching this film on these exciting new platforms!  Please buy it for yourself or someone you love!